Well, You really don’t need much by now, it has all became a routine on what to do and what to expect but here is a summary of it.
You will have 2 blocks (Hematooncology & Neuropsychiatry) each of the them will be 4 weeks and most of the block is just theory teaching lectures and case solving with little clinical sessions on patients, so you will need to study from beginning to be prepared for the endblock exam. Then the rest of the year you have 5 apprenticeships (Medicine, Surgery, Pediatric, OBGYN, PHC) which you are rarely be given new lectures as everything else was already taken in previous years so it is basically a revision for every other blocks. Medicine and Surgery are each 8 weeks, Pediatric and OBGYN are each 6 weeks and PHC is 4 weeks to fill the gap of Pediatric OBGYN.
So the whole stage would be divided in to 4 groups, 2 of these will go to Medicine and Surgery for their 16 weeks, and other 2 groups will go to Pediatric, OBGYN & PHC for their 16 weeks. Then they will shift.
Hematology part is generally easy and understandable and the lectures are pretty well organized. You will have to focus on blood film and bone marrow images to become familiar with them.
Regarding Oncology part, they do give you hematological oncology which is not hard but then ythey also will explain few solid tumors as well and bring in the exam but with no lectures.
Neurology part is condensed and detailed for the short duration of the course. The main principle of the block is to teach you how to answer two things regarding any neurologic diseases: first where is the lesion? (brain, spinal cord, nerve, muscle…) and second what is the lesion? (infarction, bleeding, tumor, inflammation…)
Psychiatry is also very new to us and it will be slightly odd while studying especially that you need to know the exact criteria for diagnosis of each disorders. The History and Examination part are also very different from any other system we have taken so try to give more time to learn it.
This will be an 8 week course with 2 weeks focusing on the emergency medicine topics and hoe to deal with them and the the rest of the block will be all clinical sessions focusing on CardioRespiratory & Gastrointestinal Blocks with few sessions related to Endocrine especially Diabetes and Thyroid diseases. The duration is generally enough and the block is easier than surgery.
This is the hardest and most condensed subject of all years as it includes everything from Perioperative, Musculoskeletal and half of Gastrointestinal blocks. Again 2 weeks are deficated to emergency surgical topics and you must focus on the important topics to get ready for the exam as nothing is predictable for them.
There is essentially nothing new to expect, most of the block is just the same as the clinical phase of Child health block just with the addition of some emergency topics whcih again are not very difficult.
This blcok also is the repeatition of the clinical phase of Reproductive health block and they will just repeat all it’s theory topics so just make sure to revise everything there.