As you know that Phase II stages are very similar, so it is likely that 5th stage will also be very similar to the 4th stage in many terms especially regarding the structure of the curriculum.
Again we will have 4 blocks each divided into 2 weeks of induction-phase & 5 weeks of Clinical-course. It is important to notice that in this year we will have more lectures per block and so it becomes very important for you to pay attention to your lectures in the Induction-phase and study as many of them as possible. It will be almost impossible to finish all the lectures in the Induction-phase so based on our previous experience, we recommend you to finish at least 60% of the lectures in the Induction-phase and continue the rest in the Clinical-course's time. As you already know, we had so much free time in Clinical weeks so we can use it to compensate for the Induction-phase. Still it is very important not to ignore your Clinical knowledge, History taking & Examination are of paramount importance to both OSCE exams & your career as a doctor.
This block is divided into 3 subjects: Eye (Ophthalmology), ENT (Otorhinolaryngology) and Skin (Dermatology). Each is about 15 lecture & 6 seminars so roughly 60 lectures for all the block.
This is thought to be the hardest and longest block of all. Each day of induction phase you will have 6-8 lectures whether you study lectures or study Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics 600 pages (a very well edited textbook by our Kuffa-friends for 5th stage pediatric materials, go all the way down to see it) part1+part2. The thing is that a child is not just a small adult but rather has many differences in anatomy, physiology, pathology and treatments in regard to it, including how to take a history from them. So here you will have pediatric lectures around respiratory, cardiology, neurology, endocrinology, hematology, infections, etc., That are specifically tailored to children.
This block is also about 60 lectures. And it is said to be the easiest block of this year, hopefully.
This block is somehow taken before, but also it is very big, and is divided into its own branches: General surgery, Anesthesia, Thoracic surgery, Plastic surgery, Urology and Neurosurgery. Notice that GIT, orthopedic and cardio surgery are not included here as they are taken in the 4th stage in their respective blocks.
Now SSC like previously will have few subjects in which each student will be selected according to their preferences, and the subjects are usually different in different colleges, so we will leave this here.